E.Q. Librium by Yvette Bethel [Book Review]

Book Cover for E.Q. Librium by Yvette Bethel

E.Q. Librium Unleash the Power of Your Emotional Intelligence: A Proven Path to Career Success by Yvette Bethel My rating: 4 of 5 stars E.Q. Librium E.Q. Librium is a very useful reference work aimed at helping people understand their Continue reading E.Q. Librium by Yvette Bethel [Book Review]

Lessons in Leadership from Andrew Strauss

Andrew Strauss who shared lessons in leadership

I was lucky enough to hear Andrew Strauss speak about the lessons in leadership he has learnt as a cricket captain and then as Director of Cricket England. Andrew Strauss has led the England cricket team to win the ashes three Continue reading Lessons in Leadership from Andrew Strauss

Leadership Values – How do they develop?

leadership values

I’m currently in the midst of the HR component of my current Open University module (B203). It got me thinking about my leadership values and how they developed from my experiences as a leader. Young Leader My introduction to leadership came at Continue reading Leadership Values – How do they develop?

Half Trained

  I am now a half trained cub scout leader. I spent the weekend at Bentley Copse scout centre in Surrey doing the first two days of the four day adult leader training course. When I’m done I’ll have earnt Continue reading Half Trained

Mintzberg’s 5Ps & Whittington’s 3Ps

I noticed that a number of the people visiting my blog are looking for strategy material. So I’ve trawled my unpublished archives and have put together some short posts on strategy topics. Here’s one on looking to explain two ways of defining strategy. Mintzberg’s Continue reading Mintzberg’s 5Ps & Whittington’s 3Ps